The aim of the study was to identify 1) the level of emotional
quotient of the lecturers of Mathematics and Natural Sciences based
on their gender at various universities in the Province of
Yogyakarta, and 2) the differences in the emotional quotient among
the lecturers. The study was ex-post facto research. As the research
variable, emotional quotient was defined as the scores resulting
from the EQ questionnaire to include self emotion knowing, self
emotion management, self motivation, others emotion knowing, and
relationship construction. The population of the study was
designated to be the lecturers of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
at various universities in Yogyakarta Province. The sample of the
study consisted of 141 lecturers, 72 male and 69 female, taken by
purposive random sampling technique. The instrument was the
questionnaire adapted from relevant references (Ridwan Saptoto:
2002). Data were analyzed qualitatively by conversion criteria. EQ
differences were computed statistically by a t-test. Results showed
that the average score of EQ levels of male and female lecturers
were 79.6% (very high criteria) and 78.2% (high criteria). The
difference (1.4%) was not statistically significant
Full Text:
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