Competency test instrument of graduate of the French Language Department
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui standar kompetensi lulusan program studi magister Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis di Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deksriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah lulusan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis SPS UPI sejumlah 10 orang. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan melalui studi pendahuluan berupa proses kajian literatur untuk menghasilkan instrumen, pengembangan instrumen dengan menyusun naskah akademik, serta kisi-kisi dan validasi instrumen. validasi dilakukan melalui penilaian instrumen oleh tenaga ahli penimbang untuk menguji keunggulan dari instrumen yang dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa standar kompetensi lulusan sudah sesuai karakteristik Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia dan Cadre Européen Commun de Reference pour Les Langues (Kerangka Acuan Umum Eropa untuk Bahasa). Kisi-kisi Uji Kompetensi Lulusan sudah sesuai dengan tuntutan keluasan dan kedalaman materi dan memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip urgensi, kontinuitas, relevansi, dan keterpakaian.
This study was aimed at developing a competency test instrument accordance with the standards contained in KKNI and CECRL. The study carried out using the descriptive method. The subjects were 10 graduates of the French Language Department of the Indonesia Education University (IEU). Data-collection procedure included a preliminary study to review literature to design the research instrument and development and validation of the instrument. Instrument validation was conducted by expert judgement. The results of this study are expected to have utility and virtue as a reference in the design and formulation efforts graduate competency test devices, producing quality graduates who graduate professional quality and standardized according to KKNI and CECRL. The results showed the design of an academic paper has fulfilled the characteristics KKNI and CECRL, grilles Test Competency in accordance with the demands of the material and observing the principles of urgency, continuity, relevance, also the design of the device model Competency Test Graduates eligible to continue in the form of compilation and validation of items.
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