low (<50%) and high absorption (≥ 50%). The results showed that the overall absorption of the NE had decreased significantly over the past 5 years (2013 to 2017). There did not find out of difficult material before implementation of Curriculum 2013. However, the last 5 years (after the period of implementation Curriculum 2013) have found several difficulties. Moreover, since 2015, almost all the materials on mathematics NE were categorized as difficult after the changing in the status of the NE (not a determinant factor of students’ graduation) and
implementation the computer-based test. The difficult materials were probability, geometry transformations, space geometry, calculus, circles, linear programs, and statistics. Generally, the difficulties were in narrative problem-solving questions or using real-world contexts. Also, the results showed non-cognitive impacts (students’ motivation) as the result of the policy changing, especially the status and technical implementation of the NE
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