Developing student worksheet for inquiry-based chemistry to improve scientific process skills
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan kerja ilmiah lewat pengembangan lembar kerja siswa berbasis inkuiri. Metode Research and Development dari Brog & Gall digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Lembar Kerja Siswa yang dikembangkan memuat tahapan aktivitas belajar mulai dari merumuskan masalah, mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan, merumuskan hipotesis, membuat variabel dan defini operasionalnya berdasarkan prosedur kerja yang diberikan, melakukan percobaan, mengkomunikasikan data hasil percobaan dalam bentuk tabel atau grafik, menganalisis data, dan merumuskan kesimpulan. Hasil validasi pakar pendidikan, ahli, dan guru kimia dinyatakan bahwa Lembar Kerja Siswa valid dan layak digunakan. Berdasarkan uji coba terbatas diperoleh hasil bahwa keterampilan kerja ilmiah siswa mengalami peningkatan dan reliabilitas tes keterampilan kerja ilmiah layak digunakan pada uji coba meluas. Hasil uji coba meluas menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan keterampilan kerja ilmiah siswa dengan rata-rata efek size sebesar 2,678 (sangat tinggi) dan siswa memberikan respons positif terhadap ketertarikan, keterbaharuan, dan kemudahan terhadap Lembar Kerja Siswa, serta menunjukkan ketertarikan terhadap proses pembelajaran.
This study was aimed at developing inquiry-based student worksheets to improve student’s scientific process skills. The study used the Brog & Gall Research and Development research method. The student worksheet contained the stages of learning activities consisting of formulating problems, gathering relevant information, formulating hypotheses, making variables and operational definition based on the work procedures, experimenting, communicating experimental data in tabular or graphic form, analyzing data, and formulating conclusion. The results show that the education experts, chemistry teachers, and experts’ validation stated that the student worksheet is valid and feasible to use. The small-scale tryout shows that the students’ scientific process skills have increased and the reliability of scientific skill work tests is feasible to be used in widespread trials. The results of the experiment show that there was an increase in the students’ scientific process skills with the average effect size of 2.678 (very high) and that the students responded positively to the interest, the renewal, and ease of the worksheets and the learning process.
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