Ani Rahmini, FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Almubarak Almubarak, FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keefektifan strategi Collaborative Problem Solving berbasis Multiple Intelligences (CPS-MI) dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis, kecerdasan logis matematis, dan penguasaan konsep kimia peserta didik, serta mengetahui hubungan antara berpikir kritis, kecerdasan logis matematis dengan penguasaan konsep kimia. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain pre-test-post test control group. Sampel terdiri atas 93 peserta didik kelompok eksperimen dan 90 peserta didik kelompok kontrol dari tiga SMA di Kota Banjarmasin yang dipilih melalui metode stratified random sampling. Kelompok eksperimen menerapkan strategi CPS-MI, sedangkan kelompok kontrol menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test, angket multiple intelligences, lembar observasi, dan tes penguasaan konsep Hidrolisis garam. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan teknik persentase, chi square test, Anava satu jalur, dan uji korelasi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi CPS-MI efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis, kecerdasan logis matematis dan penguasaan konsep kimia. Berdasarkan temuan ini strategi CPS-MI efektif diterapkan sebagai alternatif meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kecerdasan logis matematis peserta didik.
This study was aimed at determining the effectiveness of Multiple Intelligences based Collaborative Problem-Solving (MI-CPS) strategy in improving students' critical thinking skills, mathematical logical intelligence, and chemical concept mastery, as well as knowing the relationship between critical thinking, mathematical logical intelligence, and chemical concept mastery. The study used a pretest-posttest control group design. The sample consisted of 93 experimental group students and 90 control group students from three high schools in Banjarmasin. The samples were selected through a stratified random sampling method. The experimental group applied the MI-CPS strategy, while the control group applied conventional learning. The instruments used were Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test, multiple intelligences questionnaire, observation sheet, and mastery test concept of salt hydrolysis. The research data were analyzed using percentage techniques, chi-square test, one-way ANAVA, and multiple correlation tests. The results show that the MI-CPS strategy is effective in improving critical thinking skills, mathematical logical intelligence, and mastery of chemical concepts. Based on these findings, the MI-CPS strategy is effectively applied as an alternative to improving students' critical thinking skills and mathematical logical intelligence.
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