Keefektifan metode CIRC, role playing, dan VCT dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS yang komprehensif
Hastuti Hastuti, Fakultas Imu Sosial Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan metode CIRC, Role Playing dan VCT dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS pada aspek: (1) pengetahuan, (2) sikap, dan (3) keterampilan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi experiment. Populasi penelitian ini adalah SMP di Kabupaten Bantul yang menerapkan Kurikulum 2013. Sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan teknik purposive random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, lembar penilaian diri, dan tes kinerja dalam bentuk proyek. Pengujian hipotesis dengan teknik One Way Anova pada taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) ada perbedaaan keefektifan antara metode CIRC, Role Playing dan VCT dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS pada aspek pengetahuan; (2) ada perbedaaan keefektifan antara metode CIRC, Role Playing dan VCT dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS pada aspek sikap; (3) ada perbedaaan keefektifan antara metode CIRC, Role Playing dan VCT dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS pada aspek keterampilan. Dengan demikian ketiga metode tersebut mempunyai perbedaan keefektifan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS yang komprehensif.
This reseacrh aims to determine the effectiveness of CIRC method, Role Playing, and VCT in improving the learning outcomes in social studies in the aspects of: (1) knowledge, (2) attitude, (3) skill. This research is a quasi experiment. The population was the students of a junior high schools in Bantul Regency which have implemented Curriculum 2013. The sample was established using the purposive sampling technique. The data collection used a test, a self esteem sheet, and a test in the form of a project. The hypotesis testing used the One Way Anova technique at the significance level of 0.05. The result of this research shows that: (1) there are some differences in the effectiveness between the CIRC Method, Role Playing, and VCT in improving the learning outcomes in the knowledge aspect of social studies; (2) ) there are some differences in the effectiveness between the CIRC Method, Role Playing, and VCT in improving the learning outcomes in the attitudinal aspect of social studies; (3) there are some differences in the effectiveness between the CIRC Method, Role Playing, and VCT in improving the learning outcomes in the skill aspect of social studies. Therefore, these three methods have the differences in the effectiveness for improving the comprehensive social studies learning outcomes.
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