Construct of anti-corruption character using exploratory factor analysis (EFA)
Edi Istiyono, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Widihastuti -, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Agus Dwi Febrianto, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Corruption is a very complicated problem in the current global era. One of the government's innovations in the battle against corruption is anti-corruption education. Along with the implementation of anti-corruption education, tools are needed to measure the success of implementing anti-corruption education programs through anti-corruption instruments. This study uses the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) method to demonstrate the construct validity of the anti-corruption character assessment tool. The anti-corruption value consists of nine values consisting of courage, justice, caring, simplicity and independence, hard work, responsibility, honesty, and discipline. This study uses the SPSS application in processing EFA construct validity data. The questionnaire has been tested on 72 junior high school students. The study's findings show that the character evaluation tool satisfies a number of EFA requirements: 1) The criteria for adequacy of the sample with a KMO-MSA value of > 0.5 (0.681) and sig. 0.000 on Bartlett's Test. 2) All items can be carried out by factor analysis because they have an anti-image correlation value > 0.5. 3) There are 8 factors formed from the eigenvalues of factor 1 (6,080), factor 2 (2,066), factor 3 (1,636), factor 4 (1,510), factor 6 (1,360), factor 7 (1,257), and factor 8 (1,085).
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