Pengembangan model akreditasi sekolah menengah atas /madrasah aliyah (SMA/MA)
Djemari Mardapi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Badrun Kartowagiran, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata kunci: model akreditasi, instrumen akreditasi, prosedur akreditasi
This study is aimed at obtaining an effective, efficient and accountable accreditation model for Senior Secondary School/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/MA). The product of the model developed is an accreditation instrument and procedure. This study is a research and development (R & D). The model developing was conducted through focus group discussion (FGD). Instrument validation was done by experts, while the procedure validation was performed by the FGD participants. The content validity of the instrument was determined by calculating the V Aiken coefficient index, while the instrument reliability estimation was determined by using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) using SPSS. Procedure validation was done by calculating the mean score of the FGD participants’ assessment results. Trial was conducted to find out the effectiveness of the developed model. The subject of the trial was practitioners comprising of principals, teachers, and administrative personnels. The effectiveness of the model was determined by calculating the average score of the practitioners’ assessment. The accreditation model developed was named SMART Accreditation Model. The conclusion on the SMART Accreditation Model are as follows: (1) having the characteristics of an effective, efficient, and accountable accreditation model for SMA/MA; (2) the content validity and reliability of the instrument used are in a very good category; (3) the afore-mentioned accreditation procedure is considered to be good by the FGD participants; and (4) the effectiveness of the model is in a good category and it can be used.
Keywords: accreditation model, accreditation instrument, accreditation procedureKeywords
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