Evaluasi buku teks pelajaran bahasa jepang tingkat dasar “Minna No Nihongo”
Kata kunci: evaluasi, buku teks pelajaran bahasa asing, instrumen penilaian buku teks pelajaran bahasa asing
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to determine and gain an understanding of the quality of Japanese textbooks “Minna no Nihongo”. The method applied in this study is the evaluation method with content analysis techniques. Evaluation model used is Goal Based Evaluation (Objective Oriented Evaluation) to measure and assess the quality of Japanese lesson textbook.In this study, the theoretical basic of the textbooks described by the experts is explored and developed by researcher in the form of instruments construct on evaluating foreign language textbook. This instrument consists of four components, namely: the material/content, language skills, presentation, and readability. This instrument has been validated by book expert and Japanese Language experts, as well as tested in four textbooks series “Minna no Nihongo” used in the Faculty of Literature Japanese Department in University of Darma Persada. Based on the results of the evaluation, it is determined that the quality of four textbooks observed in terms of four components all at once is clarified favorable. But reading and writing skills books observed in terms of presentation only are considered unfavorable. This instrument is expected to be a pioneer in evaluating foreign language text books used in Indonesia.
Keywords: evaluation, foreign language textbooks, assessment instruments of foreign language textbooksKeywords
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/pep.v21i1.11812
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