Development of digital literacy assessment instrument for prospective teacher students at state universities in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
Sudji Munadi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This research aims to (1) develop an assessment instrument for digital literacy skills of prospective teacher students, (2) describe the quality of the developed assessment instrument for digital literacy skills of prospective teacher students, and (3) depict the digital literacy skills of prospective teacher students based on the measurement results of the developed instrument.
The development of this research is carried out through 10 stages: (1) determining instrument specifications, (2) writing the instrument, (3) determining instrument scales, (4) determining scoring systems, (5) reviewing the instrument, (6) conducting limited-scale testing, (7) analyzing the instrument, (8) assembling the instrument, (9) conducting large-scale testing, and (10) interpreting the measurement results. Large-scale testing involves 262 prospective teacher students who have taken micro-teaching courses at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) and Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Construct validity is demonstrated through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), while item characteristic information and the depiction of digital literacy skills of prospective teacher students are based on estimation results using the item response theory (IRT) approach with the graded response model (GRM). The reliability estimation of the instrument is demonstrated based on estimation results with the Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient.
This development study produces three main findings. (1) The instrument's construction is based on seven aspects with 35 statement items: seven items for information literacy, six items for digital scholarship, three items for learning skills, three items for ICT literacy, seven items for career and identity management, four items for communication and collaboration, and five items for media literacy. (2) The quality of the developed instrument is tested through content validity using Aiken’s V, construct validity using CFA, and item characteristic analysis using the IRT GRM model. (3) The depiction of digital literacy skills measurement among prospective teacher students at state universities in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is as follows: 9% categorized as excellent, 19% as good, 38% as sufficient, 30% as lacking, and 4% as very lacking.
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