This study was intended to describe the instilling of moral values
at assigned kindergartens of 'Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal’ in Yogyakarta
City. The description was expected to picture the method that influenced
moral education to be chosen for the appreciative instilling of early
childhood. The subjects of the study consisted of teachers at five
Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal (ABA) Muhammadiyah kindergartens
covering: TK ABA Gedongkiwo, TK ABA Karangkajen, TK ABA
Karangkunthi, TK ABA Pandeyan II, and TK ABA Karanganyar. Data
were gathered by observation, interview, and documentation.
Authenticity probing techniques were utilized as triangulation. The
results indicated that methods of moral value education were: story
telling, play, field trip, singing, out bond, inuring, figure of speech,
poem, and discussion. One method which was usually being utilized was
relating and inuring. Instilling methods indicated that moral teaching
apparently led to students’ behavioural change, from one inauspicious
to turning good. Faced constraints in performing moral point instilling
covered: its reducing of gnostic deep relates and its reducing media to
be utilized for deep relates, and inconsistencies which often happened
between what the teacher did at school and what other elders did at
home of in the surrounding environments
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