

Cover Page

Efisiensi No. 1 Volume X, Februari 2010

This edition makes a variety of studies between the other: organization, communication, education, economics, and management.


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Efisiensi No. 1 Volume IX, Februari 2009

This edition produces 5 articles related to office administration, management information systems, human resource management, and one article that discusses financial issues.


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Efisiensi No. 2 Volume VII, Agustus 2007

This edition contains 7 articles related to communication, organizational science, development administration, office administration and two articles that discuss the results of educational research.
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Efisiensi No. 1 Volume VII, Februari 2007

This edition contains 7 articles related to public relations, information systems, organizational science, development administration, management, and one article that discusses the results of educational research.


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Efisiensi No. 3 Volume VI, September 2006

FIS UNY Anniversary Edition

This edition contains 7 articles related to development administration, management, leadership, office technology, human resources, and administrative education.

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Efisiensi No. 2 Volume VI, Agustus 2006

This edition contains 7 articles, all of which are related to development administration, communication and public administration.
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Efisiensi No. 1 Volume VI, Februari 2006

This edition contains 8 articles, all of which are related to development administration, organizational optimization, community empowerment, and community relations.


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Efisiensi No. 2 Volume V, Agustus 2005

The edition contains various kinds of studies, including: communication, state administration, management, and office technology.
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Efisiensi No. 1, Volume V, Februari 2005

The edition contains 7 articles all of which are related to human resources, development administration, archives management and communication for problems, and there are 3 articles related to organizational science.


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Efisiensi No. 2, Volume IV, Agustus 2004

This edition contains 8 journal articles related to secretarial, communication, development administration, management, organizational science, and human resources. More detailed management themes are discussed related to business management, office management, and information management.
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Efisiensi No. 1, Volume IV, Februari 2004

This fourth volume contains articles with various kinds of studies including: administrative analysis systems, public relations, development administration, management, and management information systems.


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Efisiensi No. 2, Volume III, Agustus 2003

This edition contains 7 reviews which are all related to information technology, service quality, human resources, and decision-making techniques.
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Efisiensi No. 1, Volume III, Februari 2003

The third volume contains thoughts and articles on various problems in the field of administration which include, among others: Administrative Ethics, Management, Human Resources, Public Relations, Administration.


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Efisiensi No. 1, Volume I, Agustus 2001

This journal is the first edition that published by the Office Administration Education Study Program of the Faculty of Social Sciences, UNY (Started at 2012, Joining the Faculty of Economics). This journal is published as a vehicle for studying administrative and management problems, both theoretically and practically.

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