Evaluation of education and training programs in Solo Technopark Central Java in Indonesia
Iswahyuni Wulandari, SMK Negeri 1 Gelumbang, Indonesia
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of a training program for youth in Solo Technopark, Central Java, Indonesia, and get important feedback and recommendations to increase its effectiveness. The evaluation method used is based on four levels of the Kirkpatrick model to assess: (1) participants' reaction to the training program (to the contents, facilitators, and facilities); (2) training participants' learning (knowledge and basic skills); (3) change of participant behaviors; and (4) succeed of the training participants based on competence skills and rate of graduate employability and employer’s satisfaction. Research respondents were 47 training participants from four optional courses at the reaction and learning level. There were 59 alumni, three training instructors, and one employer as the respondents at the behavior and results level. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews, documentation, and an observation checklist. The data were analyzed using the quantitative descriptive analysis method. The study shows that: (1) at the reaction level, most training participants are satisfied with the training program, instructors, and facilities; (2) at the learning level, most participants have a good category in knowledge and basic skills; (3) at the behavior level, participants can implement the attitudes and major skills at a good level; (4) at the results level, alumni have high skills at workplaces; they have been employed in various industries, and the alumni's employability rate is less than 50%. To increase the low rate of employability in the labor market, Solo Technopark needs to improve alumni networking and collaboration with industries and employers.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/reid.v6i2.36794
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