Analysis of the quality of elementary school test items based on the Rasch model

Ernawati Ernawati, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.DR.HAMKA, Indonesia




This study aims to analyze the quality of student learning outcomes assessment instruments in  elementary schools in West Jakarta using the Rasch Model. The analyzed instruments consist of science, Indonesian language, and mathematics questions given to 187 public elementary school students in West Jakarta. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Data were collected through a learning outcome test consisting of 30 items. The test was designed to measure students' knowledge in science, Indonesian language, and mathematics subjects. Data analysis was conducted using Item Response Theory (IRT) and Rasch Model software. The results of the analysis showed that the mean value of the overall student score was 75.23 with a standard deviation of 12.89. The person reliability and fit person measure values show that the instrument has good reliability and validity. The quality of the items was analyzed based on the person fit and item fit values. The results showed that the quality of science questions was classified as good, while the quality of Indonesian language questions found one item that was not good (fit person measure < 0.3), and in Mathematics questions found two items that were not good (fit person measure < 0.3) and one item that was quite good (fit person measure 0.3 - 0.5). A more in-depth study of the unfavorable items is needed by considering the factors that affect their reliability.


Keywords: rasch model;  item analysis ; quest application



rasch model; item analysis ; quest application


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