Psychometric quality of multiple-choice tests under Classical Test Theory (CTT): AnBuso, Iteman, and RStudio
Muhammad Iqbal, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Zafrullah Zafrullah, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Muhammad Naim Mahmud, Universitas Muslim Buton, Indonesia
D’aquinaldo Stefanus Fani Seran, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Izzul Kiram Suardi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Lovieanta Arriza, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Psychometric quality analysis of psychological instruments was important to ensure credible measurement. This study aims to compare the psychometric quality analysis of multiple-choice test items using three different applications to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the features provided in supporting classical test theory analysis. This study used a quantitative approach by analysing dichotomous data from 50 participants of a 30-item multiple-choice test obtained from secondary sources. The data were analysed using three applications (AnBuso, Iteman, and R) to compare the statistical output of the main psychometric parameters of the classical test theory, such as difficulty index, discrimination index, and distractor effectiveness. Data analysis was conducted descriptively and quantitatively by comparing the features provided by each application in support of classical test theory analysis to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each application. AnBuso had advantages in terms of practicality, while Iteman excels in aspects of practicality and tidiness of analysis output. On the other hand, the RStudio has the advantage of having a larger number of items and examinees. However, AnBuso has shortcomings in the statistical output generated, Iteman has limitations in terms of the number of items and examinees, and R has difficulties in building syntax.The study showed significant differences in the discrimination index output of the three applications despite similar difficulty index and distractor effectiveness outputs; further research comparing AnBuso, Iteman, and Rstudio based on their algorithms was recommended for a more thorough evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each application in classical test theory analysis.
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