Budiyono Budiyono, PPs Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Kata kunci: Attribute Hierarchy Method, Ordered Multiple Choice, Graded Response Model
Abstract The purposes of this study are to: (1) develop Ordered Multiple Choice (OMC) instruments with a model of Attribute Hierarchy Method (AHM) for the diagnosis of stoichiometry learning difficulties in chemistry learning in secondary high school, (2) determine the characteristic of instruments which have been developed based on the Graded Response Model (GRM), (3) create a diagnostic profile of learners as an informative report. This development research used the Borg & Gall model. The development of the instrument is done using the AHM with the form of OMC. The determination of attributes and attribute hierarchy was done by the focus group discussion (FGD) by three experts, six teachers, and two measurement experts and continued with the Delphi technique by three experts with two rounds. A limited try out was conducted in the high, medium, and low category schools. A feasibility try out was conducted to the high, medium, and low category schools in the regions of Surakarta, Karanganyar, Boyolali, and Sragen. The results are as follows. 1). This research has developed three packages of OMC to detect the learning difficulties of students in the subjects of Chemistry, especially in Stoichiometry of class X. 2). The OMC test items on packages A, B, and C have good construct validity with the Goodness of Fit (GoF) greater than 0.36 namely 0.437, 0.466, and 0.433. 3). The learners’ profiles are created in the form of diagnostic report about the attributes which have been mastered and have not been mastered by the learners.
Keywords: Attribute Hierarchy Method, Ordered Multiple Choice, Graded Response Model
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