Evaluasi pemanfaatan laboratorium pada diklat pengendali hama dan penyakit ikan di Balai Diklat Aparatur Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
Kata kunci: evaluasi, diklat, laboratorium, pemanfaatan, PHPI
The laboratory become inseparable in Fish Quarantine Officer Training. Therefore, Marine and Fisheries Officers Training Center (MFO TC) in collaboration with Cirebon Fish Quarantine Office build the fish quarantine laboratorium in MFO TC campus in 2014. This study was conducted to evaluate the lab utilitazion by measure the change of training participans satisfaction in learning media and facilities, participans final grade, and cognitive/knowledge and psychomotor skill enhancement before and after laboratory operationalization. Data were collected by distributed the evaluation questionnaire. The instruments were used in this study valid and reliable according to the result of the instrument’s validity and reability test. T-test two samples for means was used to analyse the differences of measurement before and after laboratory operationalization. Statistically, psychomotor skill enhancement and training participans satisfaction in facilities were significant increased after laboratory operationalization. Knowledge enhancement, training participans satisfaction in learning media and final grade were insignificant increased.
Keywords: fish quarantine officer, laboratory, evaluating, utilization, trainingKeywords
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/pep.v22i2.18458
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