Evaluasi program diklat karya tulis ilmiah untuk widyaiswara Pusbangtendik Kemdikbud
Kata kunci: evaluasi, Diklat KTI, widyaiswara
AbtractThis research is aimed at evaluating the programs of education and training of scientific papers (KTI training) for trainers in Pusbangtendik Kemdikbud. This research used an evaluative method of Kirkpatrick model. This study involved 32 trainers. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires, observation, documentation study, and interview. The result shows that, first, there are only three levels of KTI Training implemented according to the regulation, plans and fulfillment of the evaluation criteria’; the three levels are reaction, learning, and behaviour levels. Second, KTI Training held by Pusbangtendik Kemdikbud still has not significantly showed any impact towards the individual and work units. Therefore, it is recommended for KTI Training program to continue with the improvement efforts on the impact level of KTI Training.
Kata kunci: evaluation, KTI training, trainerKeywords
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