Karakter siswa yang tinggal di pesantren dan di rumah pada proses pemelajaran IPS
Ajat Sudrajat, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan karakter siswa, perbedaan karakter siswa yang tinggal di pesantren dan di rumah, serta karakter siswa yang tinggal di pesantren dan di rumah pada proses pembelajaran IPS. Penelitian eksplanatif komparatif ini menggunakan metode campuran dengan strategi concurrent triangulation strategy. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 121 siswa kelas VIII SMP Diponegoro Depok, Kabupaten Sleman. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Teknik analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan teknik statistik beda rata-rata Independent T-test dan teknik analisis data kualitatif bersifat induktif dengan menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman yaitu data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. (1) siswa SMP Diponegoro, baik yang tinggal di pesantren maupun di rumah, secara keseluruhan karakter disiplinnya dalam kategori rendah sedangkan karakter jujur dan mandirinya dalam kategori sedang; (2) tidak terdapat perbedaan karakter siswa yang tinggal di pesantren dan di rumah. Ada perbedaan nilai rata-rata pada setiap nilai karakter di antara kedua kelompok siswa. Nilai karakter disiplin siswa yang tinggal di pesantren sebesar 27,13 sedangkan nilai karakter siswa yang tinggal di rumah sebesar 26,31; nilai karakter jujur siswa yang tinggal di pesantren sebesar 13,70 sedangkan siswa yang tinggal di rumah sebesar 13,68; dan nilai karakter mandiri siswa yang tinggal di pesantren sebesar 17,74 sedangkan siswa yang tinggal di rumah sebesar 17,33. (3) tidak terdapat perbedaan karakter siswa yang tinggal di pesantren dan di rumah pada proses pembelajaran IPS.
Kata kunci: karakter, disiplin, jujur, mandiri, pembelajaran IPS.
This research aims to reveal the characters of the students, the difference of characters of the students living in the boarding school and those living at home, and the characters of the students living in the boarding school and those living at home in the social science learning process. This comparative explanatory research used mix-method with the concurrent triangulation strategy. The population was 121 grade VIII students of Junior High School Diponegoro Depok. The sample was established using the saturated sampling technique. The quantitative data analysis used the statistical technique of Independent T-test and the qualitative data analysis was done inductively by using Miles and Huberman models consisting of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results are as follows. (1) the students of Diponegoro Junior High School, living in either boarding school or at home, have overall discipline character in the low category, however, honesty and independence characters in the medium category; (2) there is no difference in the character of the students living in the boarding school and at home. There are differences in the average value at each new character between the two groups of students. The discipline character value of the students living in the boarding school is 27.13, while those living at home is 26.31; the honesty character value of the students living in the boarding school is 13.70, while those living at home is 13.68; and the independence character value of the students living in the boarding school is 17.74, while that of those living at home is 17.33. (3) there is no difference in the character of the students living in the boarding school and that of those living at home in social science learning processes.
Keywords: character, discipline, honesty, Independence, social science learning
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/hsjpi.v5i2.13791
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