Model evaluasi kinerja dosen: pengembangan instrumen untuk mengevaluasi kinerja dosen
Djemari Mardapi, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Badrun Kartowagiran, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Suranto Suranto, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model evaluasi kinerja dosen yang akurat dan terpercaya. Model terdiri atas: instrumen, panduan penskoran, penentuan standar, aplikasi komputer, panduan penilaian, dan panduan pemanfaatan hasil penilaian. Penelitian ini merupakan multy years research selama tiga tahun. Tahun pertama (2017) dilakukan pengembangan instrumen yang akurat dan terpercaya, panduan penskoran, dan penentuan standar. Tahun kedua (2018) dilakukan uji coba penilaian kinerja dosen, produk awal aplikasi komputer, panduan pelaksanaan penilaian, dan panduan pemanfaatan hasil penilaian. Tahun ketiga (2019) dilakukan penilaian kinerja dosen, contoh pemanfaatan hasil penilaian, dan validasi aplikasi komputer. Draf instrumen divalidasi oleh 10 pakar kemudian dihitung validitas isinya dengan formula Aiken V, bukti validitas konstruk menggunakan analisis faktor eksploratori, dan estimasi reliabilitasnya dengan Cronbach Alpha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) semua butir instrumen sudah memenuhi standar validitas isi yakni 0,73, (2) hasil analisis faktor instrumen kinerja dosen dalam bidang pengajaran menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 komponen, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi dengan indeks reliabilitas Alpha sebesar 0,844, dan (3) berdasarkan kajian teori, FGD, dan bukti empirik, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja dosen dinilai melalui empat aspek yakni kinerja dalam pengajaran, kinerja dalam penelitian, kinerja dalam PPM, dan kapasitas dosen.
The aim of this research is to develop the evaluation model for lercturer performance that is valid and reliable. The model consists of: instruments, scoring manual, act of determining standard, application standard, assessment manual, and utilization manual of the assessment result. This research is a multi-year research. The first year research (2017) focuses on the development of evaluation instruments which is valid and reliable. The second year research (2018) focuses on conducting trial for lecturer performance assessment, initial computer application, the manual of assessment process, and the manual of assessment result utilization. The third year research (2019) focuses on administrating the evaluation for lecturer, the example of assessment result utilization, and validating computer application. The draft of the instrument was validated by 10 experts and analyzed using Aiken V formula. Besides, exploratory factor analysis was also conducted to prove the construct validity. The reliability was estimated by Alpha Cronbach formula. The result of the research shows that: (1) all instrument items have fullfilled the content validity requirement (0.73), (2) the exploratory factor analysis result of lecturer teaching performance consists of 3 components, including preparation, teaching process, and evaluation with reliability index of 0.844, and (3) based on the theoretical study, focus group discussion, and empirical evidence, lecturer performance can be assessed by four aspects, including teaching performance, research performance, social service performance, and lecturer capacity.
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