Sumarno Sumarno, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kata kunci: prasangka (prejudice) dan stereotip, ethno-religio segregation (E-RS), model pendidikan multikultural ramah
Abstract This research is intended to formulate patterns and measure the strength of the interethnical-religious relation among students from four different ethnic groups of Malay, Dayak, Chinese, and Madurese at the ethno-religio segregated schools (E-RS) in Pontianak: Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Senior High School (Malay-Islam), Christian Education Foundation Senior High School/ YPK (Dayak-Christian], Immanuel Christian Senior High School (Chinese-Christian, Konghucu/Confucius, Buddha), dan Private Islamic Senior High School/MAS Al-Anwar (Madurese-Islam), based on their prejudice and stereotype attitudes toward ethnic and religion. The research applied qulititative-quantitative mixed method, and for developing the model, focus group discussion (FGD) was used. The findings show that E-RS have unique and critical interethnic-religious relation patterns, i.e. ethno-centrism, approach-avoidance, avoidance-approach, avoidance-avoidance (conflicting pair), and approach-approach (honeymoon). Madurese is treated as potential conflicting targeted group; Chinese as popular referring group among case groups. A model of Ramah (friendly attitudes and behaviours) in multicultural education is promoted to develop positive images among the groups to reduce potential prejudice and stereotypes.
Keywords: prejudice and stereotype, ethno-religio segregated schools (E-RS), multicultural education ramah model
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