
Issue Title
Vol 8, No 1 (2021): March Analysis of learning motivation in improving learning outcomes in economics subjects between students of class XI social sciences and class XI natural sciences Abstract  PDF
Damaris Iqdam Wibowo, Dela Refi Novi Saputri, Dwi Mutmainah, Ermita Yusida, Sarmi Sarmi
Vol 6, No 1 (2019): March Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan, budaya sekolah dan motivasi terhadap kinerja guru SMP swasta Abstract  PDF
Vivi Candra, Acai Sudirman, Pasaman Silaban
Vol 8, No 1 (2021): March Influence of personality, attitude, motivation, and environment on the entrepreneurial spirit of school cooperative teachers in vocational schools in Kulon Progo regency Abstract  PDF
Triatun Triatun, Sukidjo Sukidjo
Vol 7, No 1 (2020): March Influence of school leadership, discipline, and work motivation toward high school teacher performance Abstract  PDF
Theresia Titik Setiyaningsih
Vol 5, No 2 (2018): September Perbedaan metode inkuiri model pair checks dengan metode ceramah dalam meningkatan hasil dan motivasi belajar Abstract  PDF
Subekti Triyana Atmaja, Endang Mulyani
Vol 5, No 1 (2018): March Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja guru SMA Abstract  Fulltext PDF
Diana Pramesti, Muhyadi Muhyadi
Vol 7, No 1 (2020): March The factors affecting national examination achievement in high schools Abstract  PDF
Nenden Susilowati, Sukidjo Sukidjo
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