Santo Mugi Prayitno,
Muhammad Nur Wangid,


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa Subject SpecifiPedagogy (SSP) tematik integratif yang dapat meningkatkan karakter siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar, ter utama karakter hormat dan tanggung jawab. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas SSP tematik integratif dalam mengembangkan karakter hormat dan tanggung jawab peserta didik kelas IV SD Karanganyar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan, yang terdiratas beberapa tahapan, yaitu: (1) studi pendahuluan; (2) perencanaan; (3) mengembangkan produkawal; (4) uji coba awal; (5) revisi produk utama; (6) uji coba lapangan; (7) revisi terhadap produk operasional; (8) uji coba lapangan produk operasional; (9) revisi produk final; (10) penyebaran dan implementasi. Subjek uji coba adalah siswa kelas IV SD Karanganyar. Subjek uji coba satu-satu terdiri atas 3siswa. Subjek uji coba kelompok kecil terdiri atas 10 siswa yang belum terlibat dalam uji coba satusatu, dan subjek uji lapangan terdiri atas 30 siswa dari kelas IV A dan kelas IV B. Hasil penelitian inberupa komponen SSP yang meliputi: silabus, RPP, LKS, dan instrumen penilaian. Hasil penilaianmenunjukkan bahwa silabus yang dikembangkan mendapat skor aktual 42 termasuk kategori “sangatbaik”. RPP yang dikembangkan mendapat skor aktual 53 termasuk kategori “baik”, LKS yang dikembangkan mendapat skor aktual 43 termasuk kategori “baik” dan instrumen penilaian yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid termasuk kategori “baik”. Kata Kunci: pengembangan, subject specific pedagogy, tematik integratif, karakter SUBJECT SPECIFIC PEDAGOGY THEMATIC INTEGRATIVE MODEL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY CHARACTER VALUES Abstract: This research aimed at producing a learning package in the form of thematic-integrativeSubject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) that could improve the character of the fourth grade of elementary school, especially the character of respect and responsibility. This research also aimed to find theeffectiveness of the thematic-integrative SSP in developing the character values of respect and responsibility of the fourth grade students of SD Karanganyar. This research and development consistedof a number of steps: (1) preleminary study; (2) planning; (3) early product development; (4) limitedtry-out; (5) revision of the main product; (6) field try-out; (7) revision on operational product; (8) fieldtry-out of the operational product; (9) final revision of product; (10) dissemination and implementation. The try-out subjects were Grade IV students of SD Karanganyar. The subjects of one-one tryout consisted of 3 students. The subjects of small group try-out consisted of 10 students who had nobeen involved in the one-one try-out, while the subjects of field try-out consisted of 30 students 30students of Grades IV A and IV B. The results of the research were SSP components consisting of: syllabus, learning implementation plans, students’ worksheets, and evaluation instrument. The results othe evaluation showed that the developed syllabus obtained an actual score of 42, which belonged tothe “very good” category. The learning implementation plans (RPP) developed gained an actual scoreof 53, which belonged to the “good” category, the students’ worksheet (LKS) got an actual score of 43which belonged to the “good” category, while the evaluation instrument developed was consideredvalis and belonged to the “good” category. Keywords: development, subject-specific pedagogy, thematic integrative, character

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