Sunarso .,
Paryanto .,


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menjabarkan tahapan dalam pengembangan model pembelajaran  Competence Based Training (CBT) berbasis karakter untuk pembelajaran praktik kerja mesin  di SMK; (2) menjabarkan tahapan kegiatan dalam model pembelajaran; dan (3) mengetahui kelayakan model pembelajaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Research and Development dengan tahapan: (1) studi pendahuluan untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang kebutuhan pengembangan; (2) penyusunan model konseptual; (3) melakukan validasi model melalui kegiatan FGD;  (4) merevisi model konseptual; (5) uji coba model konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) tahap  pendahuluan berupa perumusan kompetensi akademik, perumusan karakter kerja pembelajaran praktik, penyusunan model konseptual, proses validasi model konseptual, revisi model konseptual, uji coba  model konseptual; (2) tahap model pembelajaran adalah eksplorasi aspek karakter terkait dengan karakter kerja praktik pemesinan, grouping, diskusi penyusunan work preparation sheet, pelaksanaan praktik  disertai pendampingan dan pembimbingan, proses self assessment; (3) berdasarkan hasil FGD dan  uji coba dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran CBT berbasis karakter untuk pembelajaran praktik kerja mesin di SMK layak untuk diterapkan.   Kata Kunci: pembelajaran competence based training berbasis karakter, pembelajaran praktik kerja mesin, SMK CHARACTER-BASED COMPETENCE-BASED TRAINING (CBT) MODEL  FOR MECHANICAL WORK PRACTICE INSTRUCTION AT VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Abstract: This research aimed to: (1) describe the steps in developing charater-based Competence-Based Training (CBT) model for mechanical work practice instruction at SMK (vocational high school); (2) describe the steps of activities in the teaching and learning model; and (3) describe the appropriateness  of the the teaching and learning model. This study used Research and Development approach  with the following steps: (1) preliminary study to collect information on the needs for development; (2) drafting the conceptual model; (3) validating the model through focus group discussion (FGD); (4) revising the conceptual model; (5) trying out the conceptual model. The results of the study show: (1) the preliminary study constitutes formulating the academic competencies, formulating the character of work practice instruction, drafting the conceptual model, the process of validating the conceptual model, revising the conceptual model, trying out the conceptual model; (2) the stage of the instructtional  model constitues exploring the character aspects related to the character of mechanical work practice, grouping, discussion on writing work preparation sheet, the implementation of practice followed  by providing support and guidance, self assessment process; (3) based on the results of  FGD and try-out, it can be concluded that  the character-based CBT instruction for mechanical work practice instruction at SMK is worth implementing.    Keywords: character-based competence-based training instruction, mechanical work practice instruction, vocational high school

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