Buchory MS,
Tulus Budi Swadayani,


Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui perencanaan program pendidikan karakter di SMP, pengorganisasian program pendidikan karakter, pelaksanaan program pendidikan karakter, dan pengawasan programpendidikan karakter.  Subjek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, guru PPKn, guru agama, guru olahraga, guru bimbingan dan konseling, orang tua, dan  siswa SMP. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitan disimpulkan  bahwa: (1) perencanaan pendidikan karakter di SMP dilaksanakan oleh kepala sekolah, wakil kepala  sekolah,  dan semua guru; (2) pengorganisasian pendidikan karakter dilakukan secara bersama-sama antara kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, dan semua guru; (3) pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter didukung penuh oleh semua komponen sekolah, baik kepala sekolah dan wakilnya, semua guru, orang tua, pengawas sekolah, maupun siswa, dan (4) pengawasan pendidikan karakter diserahkan tanggung jawabnya kepada wakil kepala sekolah urusan kurikulum dan urusan kesiswaan, pembina OSIS, STP2K, dan guru bimbingan konseling dengan saling bekerja sama.  Kata Kunci: implementasi program, pendidikan karakter, SMP

IMPLEMENTATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION PROGRAM IN SMP Absract: The purpose of this study was to describe the planning of character education program in SMP, the organization of character education program, the implementation of character education program, and the supervision of character education program. The subjects of the research were the principal, the vice-principal, the teacher of PKn, the teacher of religion, the teacher of Sport, the teacher of guidance and counseling, parents, and the SMP studets. The data collection was carried out by observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed using a descriptive qualitative technique. The results of this study show that (1) the planning of the character  education program in SMP was done by the principal, the vice-principal, and all of the teachers; (2) the organization of the character education program in SMP was done together by the principal, the vice-principal, and all of the teachers; (3) the implementation of character education program in SMP was fully supported by all of the school components - the principal, the vice-principal, all of the teachers, the parents, the supervisors, and  the students; and (4) the supervision of the character education program was conducted  together by the vice-principal of curriculum affairs, the vice-principal of student affairs, supervisors of OSIS, STP2K, and the teacher of guidance and counseling. Keywords: program implementation, character education, SMP

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