Suwarna dan Suharti,


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui, mendeskripsikan, dan mengekplanasi karakter hormat yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Jawa yang digunakan sekolah di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta, khususnya tentang: (1) indikator karakter hormat; (2) proporsi indikator karakter hormat; dan (3) strategi penyajian karakter hormat yang terdapat dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Jawa di SD, SMP, dan SMA di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian konten (content analysis). Sumber datanya adalah buku pelajaran bahasa Jawa SD, SMP, dan SMA sebanyak 30 buku. Penyampelan dilakukan dengan teknik interval tiga, yakni setiap halaman kelipatan tiga dicermati menjadi sampel data. Keabsahan data menggunakan teknik kajian berulang, ketekunan/ ketelitian pengamatan, diskusi sejawat. Analisis data diawali dengan memasukkan data dalam carta data. Data deskriptif dan reflektif diinterpretasi, dieksplanasi, dan diinferensi. Hasil penelitian: (1) wujud pendidikan karakter hormat ditengarai oleh indikator (a) honorifik, (b) penghargaan, (c) penghormatan, (d) keramahan, (e) kerukunan, (f) kesopanan, (g) sikap/tata krama, dan (h) bahasa Jawa krama; (2) proporsi pendidikan karakter yang paling tinggi adalah indikator penghargan, diikuti sikap/tata krama, basa krama, penghormatan, kesopanan, keramahan, kerukunan, dan honorifik; dan (3) semakin tinggi sekolah, pendidikan karakter hormat disampaikan semakin abstrak, integratif, polistrategi, dan metaforis, dan semakin rendah sekolah, pendidikan karakter hormat disampaikan semakin konkret, langsung, monostrategis, dan lugas.
Kata Kunci: karakter, hormat, Bahasa Jawa
Abstract: This research aims at finding out, describing, and explaining the character of respect found in the school textbooks of Javanese used in Central Java and Yogyakarta, especially on: (1) indicator of character of respect; (2) proportion of the indicator of the character of respect; (3) strategies of presenting the character of respect found in the textbooks of Javanese used in the elementary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools in Central Java and Yogyakarta. This research uses a content analysis design. The data resources are 30 textbooks of Javanese for the elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. The sampling used a 3-interval technique, i.e., every page of a multiple of 3 is discerned as a data sample. Validity was achieved through repeated reading, careful observation, and peer discussion. Analysis was started by entering the data into the data cards. Descriptive and reflective data were interpreted, explained and inferenced. The research results are: (1) the form of character of respect is indicated by (a) honorifics, (b) appreciation, (c) respect, (d) friendliness, (e) harmony, (f) politeness, (g) good attitude, and (h) use of Javanese of respect; (2) the highest proportion of character education is shown by the indicator of respect, followed by good attitude, language of honor, respect, politeness, friendliness, harmony, and honorifics; and (3) the higher the school level, the character education of respect is presented in a more abstract, integrative, polistrategic, and metaphoric way, and the lower the school level, the character education of respect is presented in a simpler, more concrete, direct, and monostrategic way.
Keywords: character, respect, Javanese

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