Cut Zahri Harun,


Abstrak: Era globalisasi membawa dampak, baik dampak positif maupun negatif dalam kehidupansemua orang termasuk dalam keluarga. Keluarga memunyai peranan yang besar dalam membentukkarakter anak karena waktu yang dimiliki anak semua bersama keluarga. Namun demikian, pemerintah perlu memasukkan pendidikan karakter dalam kurikulum, baik secara implisit, maupuneksplisit. Oleh karena itu, Kurikulum 2013 kembali dirancang berbasis kompetensi dan karakter.Walaupun peranan keluarga sangat besar, sekolah dalam hal ini guru, harus juga lebih berperandalam memberikan pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik dalam berbagai kompetensi yangdibelajarkan agar tujuan pendidikan nasional dapat dicapai secara maksimal. Hal ini termaktupdalam kurikulum 2013 yang memungkinkan para guru menilai hasil belajar peserta didik sehingga peserta didik dapat mempersiapkan dirinya melalui penguasaan terhadap sejumlah kompetensi dankarakter tertentu.
Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, manajemen pendidikan karakter, keluarga, Kurikulum 2013
CHARACTER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT Abstract: The globalization era has brought both positive and negative impacts on the life of everyone,including that in the family. The family has a great role in shaping the children’s character as theyspend most of their time with the family. However, the government needs to include character education in the curriculum, both implicitly or explicitly. Therefore, the 2013 Curriculum was redesignedbased on competence and character. Despite the great role of the family, the school, as represented bythe teachers, must have a greater role in providing character education for the students in variouscompetencies in order that the national education goals can be achieved maximally. It is stated in the2013 Curriculum that teachers can assess the learning results so that the students can prepare themselves through the mastery of a number of compencies and certain character traits.
Keywords: character education, character education management, family, the 2013 Curriculum

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