Persepsi Guru Bahasa Indonesia tentang Hubungan antara Penerapan Full Day School dengan Penguatan Karakter Siswa

Imam Safi'i, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA, Indonesia
Silih Warni,
Prima Gusti Yanti,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi para guru bahasa Indonesia SMA di Wilayah Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Indonesia tentang hubungan antara penerapan full day school dan penguatan pendidikan karakter bagi siswa. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalaui survei secara online kepada sejumlah guru bahasa Indonesia. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah bersifat purposive sehingga tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai landasan untuk menggeneralkan persepsi dari sejumlah populasi. Data yang dideskripsikan dalam penelitian ini mencakup dua hal, yaitu berupa hubungan antara status kepegawaian dan pengalaman kerja dengan persepsi tentang full day school sebagai penguatan pendidikan karakter bagi siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjuukan,  bahwa terdapat hubungan status kepegawaian dan pengalaman dengan persepsi terhadap sistem full day school sebagai penguatan pendidikan karakter siswa, yaitu  1) hubungan antara pengalaman dan  persepsi terhadap full day school sebagai wahana penguatan karakter siswa sebesar 0.161, dan 2) hubungan antara status kepegawaian dan persepsi terhadap full day school sebagai wahana penguatan pendidikan karakter siswa sebesar 0.033. Hasil Penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu evaluasi mengenai efektivitas penerapan full day school dalam sistem persekolahan di Indonesia.


Kata kunci: Persepsi, pengalaman, status kepegawaian, full day school.


Abstract: This study aims to describe the perceptions of high school Indonesian language teachers in the DKI Jakarta Province, Indonesia about the relationship between implementing full day school and strengthening character education of student. The research data was obtained through an online survey of a number of Indonesian Language Teachers. The sample used in the study is purposive so that it cannot be used as a basis for generalizing the perception of a number of populations. The data described in this study includes two things, namely in the form of a relationship between staffing status and work experience with perceptions about full day school as a reinforcement of character education of student. The results show that there is a relationship between staffing status and experience with the perception of the full day school system as a reinforcement of student character education, namely 1) the relationship between experience with the perception of full day school as a vehicle for strengthening the character of students is equal to 0.161, and 2) the relationship between employment status with the perception of full day school vehicle for strengthening student character education is 0.033. The results of this study can be used as an evaluation of the effectiveness of implementing Full Day School in the school system in Indonesia.


Keywords: Perception, experience, employment status, full day school


Perception; experience; employment status; full day school

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