Sasi Mardikarini,
Suwarjo Suwarjo,


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai karakter pada buku pegangan guru, nilai-nilai karakter pada buku pegangan siswa, dan kesesuaian nilai-nilai karakter pada buku teks Kurikulum 2013 pegangan guru dan buku pegangan siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis konten dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui empat tahap, yaitu pengadaan data, reduksi data, inferensi, dan analisis data. Sumber data penelitian adalah buku teks Kurikulum 2013 pegangan guru dan pegangan siswa kelas I semester 1 yang terdiri atas empat tema, yaitu tema “Diriku”, “Kegemaranku”, “Kegiatanku”, dan “Keluargaku”. Unit analisis adalah nilai-nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam buku teks. Hasil penelitian yaitu: (1) buku pegangan guru mengembangkan semua nilai karakter yang dianalisis; (2) buku pegangan siswa pada tema diriku dan keluargaku tidak mengembangkan nilai kejujuran, pada tema “Kegemaranku” dan “Kegiatanku” tidak mengembangkan nilai tanggung jawab; (3) nilai karakter pada buku pegangan guru dan pegangan siswa tema “Diriku” dan “Kegemaranku” telah sesuai, sedangkan pada tema “Kegiatanku” dan “Keluargaku” masih terdapat nilai karakter yang belum sesuai. Kata kunci: nilai-nilai karakter, buku teks kurikulum 2013, sekolah dasar AN ANALYSIS OF CHARACTER VALUES CONTENT IN THE 2013 CURRICULUM COURSE-BOOK OF TEACHER HANDBOOK AND STUDENTS HANDBOOK Abstract: This research aims to describe (1) the caracter value in teacher handbook content; (2) the character value in student handbook content; (3) the suitability of the character value in course-bookcurriculum 2013 teacher handbook and student handbook. This research was a content analysis using the qualitative approach with four procedure (1) data collecting (unitizing, sampling, recording); (2) reducing; (3) inferring; 4) data analysis. The subject used in this study was course-book of curriculum 2013 teacher handbook and student handbook of the first grade of elementary school in the first semester, namely myself theme, my hobby theme, my activities theme, and my family theme. The unit analysis of this research is the character contained in the course-book. The result of this study are (1) teacher handbook within each theme has been developing all the character value; (2) handbook student on the theme of my self and my familiy did not develop the values of honesty, while the theme of my passion and my activities did not develop the values of responsibility; (3) character value of handbook teacher and handbook student on the my self and my hobby theme has been appropriate, while the my activities and my family theme still there character of value was not corresponding. Keyword: character value, textbook of curriculum 2013, elementary school

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