The structural equation modeling of reading interest psycho-behavioural constructs: How are they related across different modes of reading?
Jihyun Lee, School of Education, University of New South Wales, Australia
The present study examines the relationships between the psycho-behavioral constructs underlying undergraduate students’ reading interest. The a priori framework for conceptualizing the sub-components of reading interest is based on two modes of reading (printed-text-based and also Internet-based), and three types of psycho-behavioral motives/intentions of reading (affective, cognitive, and behavioral). Participants in this study were students (M = 20.14 years old) from an Indonesian university (n = 993). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses show the salience of 10 factors across reading modes and psycho-behavioral domains of reading. The most accept-able SEM models that explore the relationships among the sub-components of reading interest have the student reading interest in the print mode preceded interest in reading online materials. Implications of these findings are discussed for theory development and practice.
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