Pengembangan sumber dana sekolah pada sekolah menengah kejuruan
Sugiyono Sugiyono, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) mengetahui sumber dana sekolah yang selama ini diterapkan; (2) menemukan model pengembangan sumber dana alternatif sekolah, dan (3) mengujicoba keefektifan internal model pengembangan sumber dana sekolah di SMK Bidang Keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development. Penelitian dilakukan di SMK negeri dan swasta di kota Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) sumber dana sebagian besar berasal dari pemerintah dan masyarakat; sumber dana alternatif yang selama ini digali oleh SMK berasal dari penyewaan kantin, unit produksi dan koperasi; dan peran sumber dana alternatif terhadap anggaran belanja operasional sekolah adalah ≤ 0,39%. (2) Hasil pengembangan menghasilkan grand design model pengembangan sumber dana alternatif sekolah yang terdiri dari: model pengelolaan sumber dana dan model pengembangan unit-unit usaha. (3) Hasil uji internal yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa ahli setuju: (a) komponen model telah lengkap (84,5%); (b) struktur komponen model telah jelas (86,3%) ; (c) hubungan antar komponen model telah jelas (80,4%); (d) model memiliki keterbacaan yang baik (82,2%); (e) model telah layak (88,1%); dan (f) model efektif jika diimplementasikan (93,3%).
This research aims to: (1) reveal the source of school fund model which has been applied; (2) reveal the development model of alternative source of school fund; and (3) test the internal effectiveness of development model of source of school fund in vocational secondary schools (SMK) which run the Study Program of Technology and Engineering Expertise. This research employed the research and development method. This research was conducted at public and private vocational secondary schools in Yogyakarta. The research data were collected using in depth interview and observation. The results of this research show that: (1) the source of the schools’ fund is the government and citizens; the alternative source of the schools’ fund which has been cultivated by SMK mainly comes from canteen lease, production units, and cooperatives; and the contribution of the alternative source of the schools’ fund to the schools’ operating budget is ≤ 0.39%. (2) The result of the development showed that the grand design model of alternative source of school fund which consist of source of funds management model and development of business units model. Furthermore, the result of internal effectiveness testing which involved the experts concluded that: (a) the components of the model are sufficient (84,5%); (b) the structure of the components of the model has been understood (86.3%); (c) the relationship between the components is clear (80.4%); (d) the model has good readability (80.4%); (e) the model is acceptable (88.1%); and (f) the model is effective if it is implemented (93.3%).
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