Abstrak: Istilah pendidikan karakter dipopulerkan di Amerika. Di Inggris, pendidikan karakter dikenal dengan pendidikan nilai dan di Indonesia dikenal dengan pendidikan budi pekerti. Budi pekerti adalah segala pola pikir yang dipekertikan (dilaksanakan) dalam bentuk sikap dan perilaku, atau cipta, rasa, karsa (dan karya) dengan dilandasi ajaran moral yang baik (luhur) sehingga karakter disebut juga budi pekerti luhur. Guru adalah aktor sekaligus garda terdepan yang secara langsung berhadapan dengan pembelajar untuk menyemaikan, membudayakan, dan membiasakan karakter sehingga terintenalisasi dalam diri pembelajar dan dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan nyata sehari-hari dan akhirnya menjadi watak atau kepribadian luhur pembelajar. Berdasarkan pengalaman penulis untuk membelajarkan karakter, guru perlu didukung oleh pemilihan materi, metode, dan media secara tepat. Dukungan ini merupakan persyaratan minimal yang dapat dilakukan oleh semua guru.
Kata Kunci: pembelajaran karakter, budi pekerti luhur, pembudayaan, pembiasaan
(A Reflection on Experience)
Abstract: The term of character education has been popularized in the USA. In the UK character education is called value education, and in Indonesia it is known as character education. Character means all frames of thought which are put into practice (implemented) in the form of attitudes and behaviors, or thoughts, feelings, and works, based on high moral teaching so that it is also called noble character. A teacher is an actor who is, simultaneously, a frontliner who directly confront learners to propagate, cultivate, and habituate the character so that it is internalized within the learners and practised in real every day life, and ultimately becomes the characteristics or the noble characterof the learners. Based on the writers’ experience, in the character teaching and learning a teacher must be supported with an appropriate selection of materials, method, and media. This support is a minimum requirement that all teachers must meet.
Keywords: character teaching and learning, noble character, cultivation, habituation
Kata Kunci: pembelajaran karakter, budi pekerti luhur, pembudayaan, pembiasaan
(A Reflection on Experience)
Abstract: The term of character education has been popularized in the USA. In the UK character education is called value education, and in Indonesia it is known as character education. Character means all frames of thought which are put into practice (implemented) in the form of attitudes and behaviors, or thoughts, feelings, and works, based on high moral teaching so that it is also called noble character. A teacher is an actor who is, simultaneously, a frontliner who directly confront learners to propagate, cultivate, and habituate the character so that it is internalized within the learners and practised in real every day life, and ultimately becomes the characteristics or the noble characterof the learners. Based on the writers’ experience, in the character teaching and learning a teacher must be supported with an appropriate selection of materials, method, and media. This support is a minimum requirement that all teachers must meet.
Keywords: character teaching and learning, noble character, cultivation, habituation
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