Moh. Roqib,


Abstrak: Nabi merupakan manusia berkarakter unggul dan ideal secara fisik dan psikis yang mampu menjalin komunikasi efektif dengan Tuhan dan malaikat serta menjadi rujukan setiap umat manusia dengan dasar pegangan kitab suci yang diturunkan kepadanya. Dengan potensinya, nabi mampu menyampaikan risalah yang visioner untuk membangun umat agar mereka semakin sejahtera secara utuh. Dengan empat sifat utama yang dimilikinya, yakni shiddiq, amanah, tabligh, dan fathanah, nabi menjadi figur yang selalu berpedoman pada nurani dan kebenaran, menjaga profesionalisme dan komitmen, mengusai keterampilan berkomunikasi, sekaligus mampu menyelesaikan masalah. Inilah nilai-nilai profetik yang diharapkan menjiwai pendidikan karakter yang ingin dibangun. Pendidikan profetik secara operasional akan menginternal dalam unsur-unsur pendidikan seperti tujuan, peserta didik, pendidik, kurikulum, media, dan evaluasi yang kesemuanya memuat sendi-sendi utama keprofetikan. Pendidikan karakter dalam perspektif profetik ini sebagai tawaran baru yang patut dipertimbangkan.
Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, perspektif profetik, visioner
CHARACTER EDUCATION IN A PROPHETIC PERSPECTIVE Abstract: The prophet is a human of noble character and ideal physically and psychologicall, who has the capability to communicate effectively with God and the angels and becomes the reference for man based on the holy book revealed to him. With his potentials, the prophet is capable of passing the vissionary teachings to build the community so that the members can be more holistically prosperous. With his four main characters, i.e., truthful, trustworthy, informative, and intelligent, the prophet becomes the figure who always follows the guidance of conscience and truth, maintains professionalism and commitment, masters the communication skills, and is simultaneously capable of solving problems. These are the prophetic values which are expected to inspire the character education developed. Prophetic education will operationally be internalized in the education elements such as goals, learners,educators, curriculum, media,, and evaluation, all of which contain the main prophetic aspects. Character education in this prophetic perspective is a new alternative that is worth considering.
Keywords: character education, prophetic perspektive, vissionary

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