School management autonomy in Cambodia: A case study at New Generation Schools (NGS)
Sok Serey, Royal University Of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Chan Oeurn Chey, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Leang UN, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Veasna Sou, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Autonomy is a crucial factor affecting the overall functioning of educational institutions, particularly in decision-making. This study investigates the extent of school management autonomy in New Generation Schools (NGS) in Cambodia and its impact on teaching quality. The study involved 235 secondary school teachers from four NGSs who provided data through structured questionnaires. The results indicate that the NGS enjoys a high degree of autonomy, with the respondents rating organizational, financial, staff, and academic autonomy highly. This level of autonomy enables schools to implement management practices and educational programs tailored to their specific needs, thereby enhancing teaching quality. The findings suggest sustaining and furthering these autonomies can significantly improve academic outcomes. The study concludes that extending the NGS autonomy model to more schools could enhance educational outcomes nationwide.
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