Influencing factors of professional well-being of university educators: Qualitative analysis of Nvivo based on 36 literatures

Wang Xin, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Chen Ting, UCSI University; Southwest Medical University, Luzhou, China
Crendy Tan Yen Teng, University of Cyberjaya, Malaysia


The influencing factors of university educators' professional well-being are the basis and premise of studying well-being. Based on the qualitative analysis of 36 literatures on well-being, studies found that the influencing factors of university educators' professional well-being are composed of six aspects: organizational management, work ecology, individual characteristics, emotional perception, value realization and external environment. Among them, organizational management, work ecology and emotional perception are the core categories, and individual characteristics are support categories; Organizational management, work ecology and external environment belong to external factors, which are dominant. Individual characteristics, emotional perception and value realization belong to internal factors; Organizational management and work ecology are directly controllable factors, emotional perception is indirectly controllable factors, and individual characteristics are uncontrollable factors. To improve the level of university educators' professional well-being, internal and external factors should be considered at the same time, and external factors are the key concern; core categories should be paid key attention, support categories need special attention; to adjust direct controllable factors, pay attention to indirect controllable factors and distinguish uncontrollable factors.


university educators; professional well-being; influence factor.

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