Sunardi Sunardi,


The objective of this research
is to develop a non-graded education model In
this model, curriculum materials are adapted into sequentially arranged materials.
Students are
grouped on the bases of their ages, it is possible to have a variety of
learning materials
and a variety of learning activities within one classroom at the
same time. An individual mastery learning approach is implemented. The location
of research
was in the town of Surakarta. The initial activity was adapting the
existing curriculum materials into sequential learning units.
The non~gradedmodel
was tried out in grade 1 of SO Al Firdaus with 62 students (parallel classes).
Research results indicate: I)The initial levels
of competence of students in a
classroom are heterogeneous.
2) In terms of language and sequence of materials,
adapted curriculum package was rated as excellent, but in appropriateness to
the levels of development, a few materials for lower grades
need to be revised. 3)
Teachers and parents agreed on the heterogeneity of classes in schools, but
disagreed on the feasibility of multilevel curriculum materials and multi-modality
of learning. The
two groups also agreed on the low competence of teachers in
teaching non-graded classrooms. 4) After one year in progress, the non-graded
model showed beneficial for fast and slow learners

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