Pengembangan media audio visual dalam pembelajaran keterampilan motorik kasar pada anak tunagrahita ringan
Pamuji Sukoco, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata kunci: pengembangan, media audio visual keterampilan motorik kasar, anak tunagrahita ringan kelas bawah
Developing audio visual media to impart the learning of basic physical motor skill for mentally defective
This research aims to produce an audio visual media for teaching basic physical motor skill to mentally defective which is appropriate. This developmental research was done following developmental research steps as follows: (1) collecting information, (2) analysing information, (3) developing initial product, (4) experts validation and revision, (5) preliminary field testing, (6) revision, (7) main field testing, (8) final revision, (9) making the final product, and (10) dissemination and implementation the final product. The small group field testing was conducted to six mentally defective children in SLB Tunas Kasih 2 Turi. The bigger group field testing was conducted to 10 mentally defective children in SLB Negeri I Bantul. The data were analyzed using the quantitative descriptive analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis. The teaching media on physical motor skill consists of seven teaching media on physical motor skill by: (1) Leapfrogging objects, (2) Using hot ball and cold ball, (3) Using fabric bolster ball, (4) Using lightweight ball, (5) Stomping a tiger’s tail, (6) Using kangaroo’s ball, (7) Calisthenics and song.
Keywords: developing audio video media impart learning physical motor skill mentally defective underaged childrenKeywords
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