Pelaksanaan pembelajaran Kurikulum 2013 di SD Negeri Serayu Yogyakarta
C. Asri Budiningsih, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata kunci: Kurikulum 2013, pelaksanaan pembelajaran
AbstractThis study aimed to describe: (a) learning plan of 2013 curriculum, (b) learning implementation of 2013 curriculum (c) final evaluation of 2013 curriculum's achievements, and (d) opposing and supporting factors in learning implementation of 2013 curriculum at Serayu elementary school. The involved participants were: principal, vice principal of curriculum,teachers, students, and student's parents. Data were collected through observation, in depth interview, and documentation. The validity of data was evaluated by persevering observation,data triangulation,and data checking. Data were evaluated continuously from the beginning. The procces of data collection consisted of three steps which were data reduction, data presentation,and drawing conclusion. This study reveals 4 things. First, lesson plans which are developed by teachers have been arranged in great detail according to certain themes and sub themes of 2013 curriculum's syllabus. Second, learning implementation conducted by teachers were opening,main activity and closing. Third, teachers evaluate learning achievements using evalution of attitude, cognitive and motoric. The process of evaluation was tests and non test, written and oral examination, performance observation, attitude measurement, task evaluation, portofolio uses, and self evaluation. Fourth, the difficulty in conducting 2013 curriculum were: huge amount of matter not supported by time allocation, evaluation exhausted the teachers.
Keywords: 2013 curriculum, learning implementationKeywords
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