Pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran untuk mengembangkan aspek kognitif anak
Christina Ismaniati, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Univesitas Negeri Yogyakarfta, Indonesia
Kata kunci: multimedia pembelajaran, kognitif anak
This study aims to: (1) produce learning multimedia improve the cognitive aspects of the children of Palm Kids School Yogyakarta in understanding numbers, and (2) determine the feasibility level of the developed product. This research was research and development refering to the steps of developmental design proposed by Allesi and Trollip. The design was classified into three developmental procedures including: (a) planning, (b) design, and (c) development, completed with attributes of component including standards, ongoing evaluation, and project management. This study produced teaching multimedia which meet the criteria and the product is declared feasible as teaching media based on the score of product’s feasibility assessment through alpha test by material experts which is at 3.4 (feasible) and by media expert at 3.36 (feasible). Furthermore, the beta test conducted by teacher of K1 class showed the score of 3.7 (highly feasible). The product’s feasibility assessment of the teaching multimedia in improving the development of cognitive aspects was supported by the score of cognitive learning outcomes of the children in K1 class was observed by pre-test and post-test showing 8.7.
Keywords: teaching multimedia, children’s cognitiveKeywords
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