Aditiana Vimala Guna,
Purnomo Purnomo, Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan variasi morfologis dan anatomis tiap aksesi Curcuma longa, serta hubungan fenetik pada spesies antar aksesi Curcuma longa. Sebanyak 13 sampel diambil di area Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya, karakter morfologis yang dibandingkan bersumber dari akar, rimpang, daun meliputi bentuk dan ukuran. Karakter anatomis diamati pada daun dan rimpang. Penentuan karakter morfologis berdasarkan Protection of Plant Varieties dan Farmers’ Rights Authority. Hubungan fenetik menggunakan perbandingan karakter morfologis dan anatomis spesies Curcuma longa yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi morfologis Curcuma longa di Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya memiliki perbedaan tinggi tanaman, morfologis daun, serta morfologis akar dan rimpang. Variasi karakter anatomis Curcuma longa memiliki perbedaan ketebalan epidermis daun, ukuran dan densitas stomata, ketebalan berkas pengangkut, ketebalan epidermis dan hipodermis rimpang. Berdasarkan analisis fenetik Curcuma longa di Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya dapat diketahui bahwa hubungan kekerabatan fenetik berdasarkan karakter morfologis terbagi menjadi dua klaster besar dan empat subklaster, sedangkan berdasarkan karakter anatomis terbagi menjadi dua klaster dan enam subklaster.


The purpose of this study was to determine the morphological and anatomical variations of each accession of Curcuma longa, as well as the phenetic relationship among accessions of Curcuma longa. A total of 13 samples were taken in the Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, the morphological characters compared from roots, rhizomes, leaves include shape and size. The anatomical characters were observed in the leaves and rhizomes. The determination of morphological characters based on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority. The phenetic relationship used a comparison of the morphological and anatomical characters of the Curcuma longa species studied. The results showed that the morphological variations of Curcuma longa in Yogyakarta and its surroundings had differences in plant height, leaf morphology, and root and rhizome morphology. Variations in anatomical characters of Curcuma longa have differences in leaf epidermis thickness, stomata size and density, carrier bundle thickness, epidermis and rhizome hypodermis thickness. Based on the phenetic analysis of Curcuma longa  in Yogyakarta and its surroundings, it shows phenetic relationship based on morphological characters is divided into two large clusters and four sub-clusters, while based on anatomical characters it is divided into two clusters and six sub-clusters.



Curcuma longa, morfologi dan fenetik

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