Titin Hera Widi Handayani, FT UNY


This study was aimed at designing software that can calculate the nutritional needs of the community. The device is generated from an application program that is specifi cally designed to determine lean body mass, nutritional status and nutritional value needs. It is guided by the science of nutrition and health in an effi cient, inexpensive and accurate ways. This study used design software method. The fi rst stage of the analysis, which consists of user needs analysis, job analysis, and technology analysis. The second stage is a block diagram including interface design and fl owchart design. The third stage, design modules translation was done using a programming language into the application form called coding/ implementation. The fourth stage was testing the system using black box testing. The application design includes the creation of database structure, program fl ow design and user interface. The design of the database was realized in 9 tables. The fl ow program was depicted in Entity Relationship Diagram, Data Flowchart and Applications Flowchart. The interface design consisted of 17 display interface/ application form.


Software; nutritional needs; science of nutrition and health

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