Strategi Menghilangkan Fobia Air: Sebuah Pendekatan menuju Keamanan Pembelajaran Akuatik

Ermawan Susanto,


Water phobia is a kind of resisting factors in doing the aquatic study. Excessive
fear is very disturbing for acquiring the skill of swimming. Swimming which ought to be
easy to be learned by man of all ages will mean nothing if the water phobia be still in
mind. The problem is how to eliminate the excessive fear of water, so that somebody
may reach his optimal potency in mastering the aquatic skill.
Strategy of eliminating the water phobia is an approach for optimizing the aquatic study.
This strategy is expected to become an instrument which can assist physical education
teachers, all instructors or practitioners of swimming to overcome the problem of the
water phobia. Its trouble-shooting efforts apply the approach and the environment’s
facilitation which are emotionally, mentally, and physically supporting the course of the
study. The water phobia can be caused by genetic elements. It can also be caused by
effects of a traumatic experience with water. The water phobia is also happened by the
effect of having cold feet posed by parents or adults. Peculiarly this strategy is addressed
for those who have fear or feel unsafe around or under water, both for children and also
Implications of this strategy affect the disappearance of excessive fear of water, and
then encourage the self confidence to perform the aquatic activity. Through physical
education teachers, swimming instructors, mental health experts, parents, and adults,
the problem of those who suffer from the water phobia can be minimized.
Keyword: Strategy, The Water Phobia, The Aquatic Activity, Physical Education

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