Nur Khikmah, Akademi Analis Kesehatan Manggala Yogyakarta
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui antibakteri masker kefir susu kambing pada Staphylococcus epidermidis dan menghitung jumlah koloni Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) dan khamir. Uji antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode difusi sumuran. Antibakteri masker kefir ditunjukkan dengan adanya zona hambat yang terbentuk di sekitar sumuran. Spread plating dilakukan untuk menghitung koloni bakteri asam laktat dan khamir. Medium MRSA dan PDA diinkubasi pada suhu 37ºC selama 2-3 x 24 jam. Jumlah koloni yang tumbuh dihitung menggunakan metode Standard Plate Count dengan jumlah koloni 30-300, dan dinyatakan dalam satuan CFU/g. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masker kefir mempunyai sifat bakteriostatik. Kemampuan antibakteri masker kefir susu kambing pada Staphylococcus epidermidis disebabkan karena di dalam supernatan masker kefir terdapat senyawa antibakteri. Hal ini ditandai dengan terbentuknya zona irradikal. Rerata koloni BAL pada masker kefir susu kambing A dan B adalah 1,5×109 dan 1,2×1010 CFU/g. Rerata jumlah koloni khamir pada masker kefir susu kambing A dan B adalah 2,1×1010 dan >3,0×1010 (3,9×1010) CFU/g.
This study was aimed at determining the antibacterial goat’s milk kefir mask on Staphylococcus epidermidis and the number of Lactic Acid Bacteria (BAL) and the number of yeast colonies. The antibacterial test was carried out using the diffusion method of the wells. The antibacterial activity in the kefir mask is shown by the presence of inhibitory zones that form around the well. Spread plating was done to calculate the colonies of lactic and yeast acid bacteria. MRSA and PDA medium were incubated at 37ºC for 2-3 x 24 hours. The number of growing colonies is calculated using the Standard Plate Count method with the number of colonies of 30-300 and expressed in units of CFU/g. The results showed that kefir masks had bacteriostatic properties. The antibacterial ability of goat’s milk kefir mask was since the kefir supernatant contained antibacterial compounds. This is indicated by the formation of an nonradical zone. The mean of BAL colonies in goat milk masks A and B was 1.5 × 109 and 1.2 × 1010 CFU/g. The average number of yeast colonies in Goat milk masks A and B was 2.1 × 1010 and> 3.0 × 1010 (3.9 × 1010) CFU/g.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jps.v25i1.29988
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