Diah Rachmawati, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh cekaman NaCl terhadap pertumbuhan dan anatomi akar tanaman bayam serta mengetahui konsentrasi NaCl yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tanaman bayam. Penelitian ini digunakan perlakuan NaCl sebanyak 0, 200, 400, 600 dan 800 mM pada tanaman bayam (Amaranthus tricolor L.), Media tanam berupa campuran tanah dan pupuk kandang dan alkohol, safranin, aseton. Alat yang digunakan adalah med line, cawan poerslen, spektrofotometer dan mikroskop. Parameter yang diukur meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, warna daun, panjang akar, jumlah akar, berat basah, berat kering, kadar klorofil, tebal epidermis akar, tebal korteks akar dan diameter stele akar. Data dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA dilanjutkan dengan DMRT taraf kepercayaan 95% menggunakan program SPSS 15. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan penambahan NaCl menyebabkan penurunan pertumbuhan tanaman bayam meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, kadar klorofil, rasio tajuk dibanding akar dan menurunkan diameter stele akar. Pertumbuhan tanaman menurun seiring peningkatan konsentrasi NaCl karena NaCl menyebabkan cekaman osmotik yang menghambat penyerapan air dan unsur hara yang diperlukan tanaman untuk proses metabolisme.
The study was aimed at determining the effect of NaCl stress on the growth and anatomy of spinach roots and the concentration of NaCl which can inhibit the growth of spinach plants. This study used 0, 200, 400, 600 and 800 mM NaCl treatments on spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.), planting media in the form of a mixture of soil and manure and alcohol, safranin, acetone. Med line, poerslen cup, spectrophotometer, and microscope were used in this study. The parameters measured plant height, number of leaves, leaf color, root length, number of roots, wet weight, dry weight, chlorophyll content, root epidermis thickness, root cortex thickness, and root stele diameter. The collected data then were analyzed by ANOVA test followed by DMRT 95% confidence level using the SPSS 15 program. The results obtained showed that the addition of NaCl caused a decrease in spinach plant growth including plant height, the number of leaves, chlorophyll content, the ratio of the crown to root and decreased diameter of root stele. Plant growth decreases with increasing NaCl concentration since NaCl causes osmotic stress. This stress inhibits the absorption of water and nutrients needed by plants for metabolic processes.
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