Amat Komari,



Among the spreading of shopping centers bring

amenity for amount of people; not aside from Physical

Education teacher who interested for a business.

Someone’s shopping activity in fulfilling daily need,

reading news, listening radio, television, transport

service and also private vehicle for transportation

fluency; all those represent activity of business for

the existence of service provider and consumer side.

Some needs of that human being represented

business field to others so that the interaction of

various needs will create business fields, not aside

from sport business, for example founding sport shop,

training, organizing a game, or sport activities and

also serve the needs of athletes such as clothes,

food and also calorie-contained beverage. Sport

businesses in Indonesia are in partial existed, but

such condition still needs the stakeholder touch in

order to obtain more maximal result. In National

Seminar of Sportsmanship Industry, it have been told

some business chances to public that sport-related

company, included home industry (e.g. shuttlecock,

sport t-shirt, medal graver, self-defense uniform, glove

softball, event organizer, etc.) which have expanded

themselves so that necessary to snuggle up to be

Sport Industry. The Law of National Sportsmanship

System has given chances for every citizen to plunge

in sport business world, not aside from Physical

Education teacher. Consider their involvements,

Physical Education teacher with their activity quite a

lot related to sport; of course they understand so much

the needs of sport perpetrators which represent

potential business field for. In starting or developing

sport business, Physical Education teacher needs

certain tricks, such as: (1) have strong willingness to

try by stocked of never give up spirit as well as learning

desire, (2) the run-business is easy reached in ability,

management, and monetary source, and also that

activity have to pleasant, (3) seeing market potency

and society needs and also majoring customer

satisfaction, (4) in attracting the customer purchasing

ability, it’s necessary using cost leadership strategy,

and (5) for managed-company survival, it’s using

forwards, rear, and horizontal integration strategies.

Keywords: Business, Sport, Physical Education.



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