Kebugaran Jasmani dan Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi dalam Masyarakat

Arma Abdoellah,


Development of science and technology brings alteration from active way to
non-active or having a lot of sit way of life. It is caused by machine replaces work that
previously done used muscle strength. This non-active way of life brings about hipokinesa disease that is one of cause of heart, hypertension, stroke and obesity diseases. To
maintain physical hale and hearty, students, employee, old age man and other group
of society need to do physical activities regularly. Reality shows that globalization occur
in the campaign improving physical hale and hearty.
Although in America movement to improve hale and hearty has begun in 1965 was
fully-supported by the presidents, result of survey showed that after 15-years-done,
physical healthy level of participants did not increase, even tend to decrease. The cause
was physical education program which was done did not support to maintain and to
improve physical hale and hearty level. The movement of physical hale and hearty
was proclaimed by President Soeharto in state speech with sport slogan “memasyarakatkan olahraga dan mengolahragakan masyarakat”. Reality shows that population
of cities in Indonesia are much aroused to do physical activities. And, as in America, it
can be predicted that physical education program in Indonesia is also cannot maintain
and improve physical hale and hearty of participants because educational institution
in Indonesia does not have sport facilities and equipment as developed countries
have. This constitutes a challenge for physical education teacher and related institution.
There are enough evidences that hale and hearty program in work places results
advantages such as reducing healthy maintenance cost of employee, number of employee’s absence in work time, work spirit of employee and also increasing productivity.
In Indonesia this program needs to be encouraged in every company by providing
those sport facilities and equipments. Employee is an important and vital asset for
company and government or private institution.

The more prosperity of population in one country as consequences of development
held, the more the member of old age population increased. To make old age population not be a burden to government and society in maintaining their health, it needs
an attempt to improve their hale and hearty by carrying out physical activities program
that is adjusted to them and is managed by professional staff. There should be educational institutions that produce professional staff to manage hale and hearty program
for employee and old age man.

Keyword: Physical Activities, Science and Technology.

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