Pemenuhan kebutuhan aktivitas fisik peserta didik selama pandemi Covid-19
Taufik Rahman, STKIP PGRI Sumenep, Indonesia
Bayu Budi Prakoso, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Wahyu Indra Bayu, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengidentifikasi bagaimana guru pendidikan jasmani memberikan materi terkait aktivitas fisik; (2) memastikan sumber belajar yang digunakan oleh guru pendidikan jasmani dalam memberikan materi kepada peserta didik; dan (3) memahami hambatan dan tantangan dari pengamalam oleh guru pendidikan jasmani selama pandemic Covid-19. Penelitian survei dengan menggunakan non-structural questionnaire yang telah disiapkan untuk diisi oleh guru pendidikan jasmani di beberapa Kota (Sidoarjo, Jombang, Sumenep, dan Palembang). Hasil penelitian dari 31 guru pendidikan jasmani (L = 24; P = 7) dengan masa kerja rata-rata 7-8 tahun, menunjukkan mayoritas responden berasal dari sekolah tingkat dasar (SD/MI) sebesar 58,06%, SMP/MTs sebesar 19,35%, dan SMA/SMK/MA sebesar 22,58%. Responden juga ditanya apakah selama pandemi Covid-19 mereka dapat memberikan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, sebagian besar responden menjawab “Ya” sebesar 87,10%, “Tidak” sebesar 9,68%, dan “Mungkin” 3,23%. Aktivitas peserta didik mengalami penurunan dari 2-4 jam/minggu, menjadi 1-2 jam/minggu selama pandemi Covid-19. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan penurunan yang signifikat terkait dengan pemenuhan aktivitas fisik peserta didik serta memberikan tantangan kepada guru pendidikan jasmani untuk tetap dapat memberikan materi pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani yang baik dan benar.
Abstract: The objectives of this study are: (1) to identify how physical education teachers provide material related to physical activity; (2) ensure the learning resources used by physical education teachers in providing material to students; and (3) understand the barriers and challenges of experience by physical education teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Survey research using a non-structural questionnaire that has been prepared to be filled out by physical education teachers in several cities (Sidoarjo, Jombang, Sumenep, and Palembang). The results of the study of 31 physical education teachers (L = 24; P = 7) with an average working period of 7-8 years, showed that the majority of respondents came from elementary school level of 58.06%., primary school level by 19.35%, and high school level by 22.58%. Respondents were also asked whether during the Covid-19 pandemic they could provide physical education lessons, most of the respondents answered "Yes" by 87.10%, "No" by 9.68%, and "Maybe" 3.23%. Student activity has decreased from 2-4 hours/week, to 1-2 hours/week during the Covid-19 pandemic. So it can be concluded that the Covid-19 pandemic caused a significant decrease in terms of fulfilling the physical activity of students and provided challenges for physical education teachers to deliver good and correct physical education learning materials.
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