Kata kunci: Lesson Study, PELITA, nilai matematika, SMP, minahasa utara
Abstract This study aim to reveal the implementation of Lesson Study (through PELITA-JICA Program) in mathematics course at junior high school level in North Sulawesi. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Lesson Study on junior high school students’ math achievement. This study involved 23 schools consisting of 13 experimental (North Minahasa Regency) and 10 control (Minahasa Regency) schools with the total number of respondents, 598 student. The data were students’ math scores which were statistically analyzed using comparison test (α=0.05). From the comparison analysis, it can be concluded that the implementation of Lesson Study is able to increase the math score of junior high schools students. The high ratio of experiment to: control math score strengthens the conclusion that the implementation of Lesson Study in North Sulawesi gives positive impact to student’s academic achievement in mathematics.
Keywords: lesson study, PELITA, mathematics score, junior high school, north minahasa
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/pep.v18i2.2863
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