Suminto A. Sayuti, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kata kunci: karawitan, penilaian, keterampilan, sikap
Abstract This study developed an instrument for assessing learning achievement of Javanese karawitan practice from the perspectives of skill and attitude. The skill perspective evaluates the students’ ability to harmonize the learning components (melody, rhythm/tempo, and sound/tone); while the attitude perspective evaluates their understanding, comprehension, and application of those learning components. The steps in doing the research include product development, product validation, product implementation, and data analysis. Product development includes developing the skill instruments and developing the attitude instruments; while product validation includes testing the product in focus group discussion, seminar for the instruments, and expert judgment. Product implementation is applying the instrument in small-scale and large-scale tests as well as main testing, while the data analysis used model fitness test. The result of model fitness test shows that this model is fit with correlation coefficient from 0.90 to 0.98 and content factor from 0.62 to 0.91. The instrument has yielded information concerning the ability of students to harmonize melody, rhythm, and the ricikan and tabuhan sounds from the perspectives of understanding, comprehending, and applying the learning components.
Keywords: karawitan, assessment, skill, and attitude
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