Estimasi kesalahan pengukuran standard setting dalam penilaian kompetensi matematika tingkat SMP di Kabupaten Sumbawa
Samsul Hadi, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata kunci: cut score, standard setting, generalizability theory
This research aims to find the most accurate methods in estimating measurement error of standard setting among Ebel, Bookmark, and Contrasting group methods. The data used in this study were 352 students’ responses on Mathematics National Exam Package P0C5520 in the academic year of 2015/2016. The document was collected from the Department of Education and Culture in Sumbawa Regency. Teachers were also involved in this research as panelists in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data collected were then analyzed through three stages. The first stage was preparation stage, including the activities of data preparation, school classification, and item characteristics analysis. The second stage was two-round FGD. The third stage was estimating the measurement error using Generalizability Theory approach assisted by eduG program. The research result shows that Contrasting Group method produces the smallest measurement error estimation compared to Ebel and Bookmark methods, therefore, Contrasting group method is considered as the most accurate method.
Keywords: cut score, standard setting, generalizability theoryKeywords
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